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Ausländerbehörde / Foreigner's office (City of Tübingen)

Attention: the information on this page is only valid for the Ausländerbehörde of the City of Tübingen. Information about the Ausländerbehörde at the Landratsamt is here!

The foreigner's office in Tübingen is closed for the public until further notice. If you want to ask them a question, you can call them every workday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The phone number of Ausländerbehörde Tübingen is:
07071 / 204-2020

The postal address is:

Stadt Tübingen
Schmiedtorstraße 4
72070 Tübingen

:!: All formal applications to the Ausländerbehörde should be made in written form. Sending an email is usually not sufficient :!:

:!: Please do not simply put your identity documents into the mailbox of the Bürgeramt! Before handing in documents, always take a photo of them or make a copy! :!:

Always use an envelope for your documents, and clearly write on it:

What to do in order to renew your residence documents ("Ausweis") or apply for new ones?

...if you have a "Duldung":

Please care about the renewal of your Duldung in time, before it expires! Right now, processing your application can take longer than usual!

  1. take a photo or make a copy of your current „Duldung“
  2. put the original (your current „Duldung“) into an envelope
  3. write „An die Ausländerbehörde“ on this envelope (or the above postal address, if you send it by post)
  4. put the envelope with your current „Duldung“ into the mailbox of the Bürgeramt, or send it by post.

How will I receive my renewed „Duldung“?

  • the foreigner's office will send the renewed documents to your address by post.
  • all „Duldung“s will currently be renewed for a period of 6 months

What do I have to do if I want to make a change to my „Duldung“, e.g. if I want to have a work permit or a change of residence?

  • for these changes you have to apply in written form. This means: you have to write a letter to the foreigner's office and explain exactly what you want from them. Ask your supporters if they can help you with this!

...if you have an "Aufenthaltsgestattung":

Please care about the renewal of your Aufenthaltsgestattung in time, before it expires! Right now, processing your application can take longer than usual!

  1. take a photo or make a copy of your current „Aufenthaltsgestattung“
  2. put the original (your current „Aufenthaltsgestattung“) into an envelope
  3. write „An die Ausländerbehörde“ on this envelope (or the above postal address)
  4. put the envelope with your current „Aufenthaltsgestattung“ into the mailbox of the Bürgeramt, or send it by post.

How will I receive my renewed „Aufenthaltsgestattung“?

  • the foreigner's office will send the renewed documents to your address by post.
  • all „Aufenthaltsgestattung“s will currently be renewed for a period of 6 months

What do I have to do if I want to make a change to my „Aufenthaltsgestattung“, e.g. if I want to have a work permit or a change of residence?

  • for these changes you have to apply in written form. This means: you have to write a letter to the foreigner's office and explain exactly what you want from them. Ask your supporters if they can help you with this!

...if you have a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis):

Please care about the renewal of your residence permit in time, before it expires! Right now, processing your application can take longer than usual!

  1. In any case, keep your current residence permit with you! Do not throw it into the mailbox of the Bürgeramt!
  2. Write a letter to the foreigner's office, and apply for renewal of your residence permit. There is no official form for it, but the letter should contain your name, birth date, address and the number of your current residence permit.
  3. Afterwards you will receive a paper document from the foreigner's office („Fiktionsbescheinigung“). Together with this paper, your current residence permit will remain valid. Please always carry this paper and your current residence permit with you!

Right now it can take a longer time than ususal, until you receive a „real“ new plastic ID-card from Berlin.

...if you want to apply for a residence permit __for the first time__:

If your asylum procedure was recently finished and the BAMF or a court has positively decided that you now are allowed to stay in Germany for at least 3 years (refugee protection) or 1 year (subsidiary protection) for the first time:

  1. Call the foreigner's office and ask for an appointement in order to file the application for a residence permit
    1. either the foreigner's office will tell you a date and time for visiting them
    2. or they will send you a form for this application, which you will have to fill out and send back to them

Right now it can take a longer time than ususal, until you receive a „real“ plastic ID-card from Berlin.

:!: You can get into financial trouble, if the granting of a residence permit takes too much time. Eventually you will stop receiving welfare money from the Landkreis, but at the same time you will not yet receive any money from the Jobcenter. In case of doubt: ask your social workers or local supporters :!:

...if you want to apply for a special Duldung due to work or making an apprenticeship:

If you really meet all the preconditions for such a special Duldung (e.g. „Ausbildungsduldung“ or „Beschäftigungsduldung“, you have to file the application by post to the foreigner's office (better do not simply put it into the mailbox there!))

What do you have to do in order to work, if you need the permission of the foreigner's office?

You need:

  1. a job description („Stellenbeschreibung“) by your future employer. Use this form by the Arbeitsagentur.
  2. a DRAFT working contract, i.e. without signatures yet!

You need to send both documents to the foreigner's office by post, together with a short letter saying that you apply for permission to work (exactly) for this company.

:!: If you want to change jobs, the same procedure is necessary :!:

What to do if you want to move out of Tübingen?

  1. Write a formal letter to the foreigner's office, in which you apply
    1. if you already have a residence permit: for „Aufhebung der Wohnsitzauflage“ (cancellation of the residence obligation)
    2. If you have a Duldung or Aufenthaltsgestattung: for „Umverteilung“ into another city or region.
en/auslaenderbehoerde.1585311271.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/03/27 13:14 von angela